Thursday, October 27, 2011

Follow the Art Trail Lady to New Iberia-A & E Gallery Book Signing!

Author Kelli Foret signs her new book at A&E Gallery this weekend.

NEW IBERIA — Author Kelli Foret will be signing her new book The Acadiana Art Trail: The essential guide to finding local art in Cajun Country. this Saturday, October 29 at A&E Gallery in New Iberia from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. A&E is one of over 30 galleries featured in the new book which guides readers through five parishes to venues that feature local artists.
“A&E is one of those amazing places where you can take in great local art and watch it being made at the same time,” said Foret, who grew up in New Iberia. “It’s nice to return to the place where I grew up and find a truly vibrant, growing local art community. I want more people to know about it.”
Her book, The Acadiana Art Trail, does just that. Readers can follow all six trails winding through five parishes. Many of the galleries might be considered “mainstream,” yet several may surprise you. “In smaller communities, some galleries find it difficult to exist purely from the sale of art,” Foret said. “So many of them double as coffee shops, communities for art lessons, frame shops, restaurants and more.”
Foret’s descriptions of each location are complimented by the vivid photography of Lauren Hensgens, also a New Iberia native. Hensgens’ work offers readers a glimpse of the art they’ll find at each gallery. They’ll find great close-ups of Paul Schexnayder’s latest collection plus a range of modern and classic work throughout the area. It’s a visual and virtual tour to some of Acadiana’s greatest talent.
The 70-page, large format, color guide is only available at select signing events like this one. In early November, the book will be available at the featured galleries and, by late November, readers will be able to find the book from several online retailers. For more information, follow the author as she continues her discovery of new artists and venues through her blog, To learn more about the book and where you can purchase a copy, visit

Monday, October 24, 2011

Pictures from Paris-Matt Bell

I had the pleasure of interviewing photographer, Matt Bell a few weeks ago. Yes ladies, the picture of the handsome man above is Matt! I'm just having the chance to get re-organized enough to write about Matt, but here is what I have to say...

Matt's photography ROCKS!

Meeting Matt was completely unplanned but as soon as I saw his Parisian Photography Exhibit hung at Artist and Architechs in Lafayette, LA a few weeks ago, I had to introduce myself.

The beauty of Matt's photography is that he has the amazing ability to capture life as its happening, seeming to go unnoticed. No setups in these Parisian photos...just moments that you are I may miss, but to this photo artist, the moments are inspiration.

Matt captures scenes and portraits with an inquisitive eye as he somehow is able to get into the lives and hearts of the strangers around him.

Matt's images invite me back to Paris, back in that place of romance and parisian living. Yet the simpleness of the subject is simply intriguing. Individual stories are told in the vibrant images on the walls of this exhibit.

This photo artist uses a perfect combination of color, imagery and imagination capturing everyday life on the Parisian streets. It was a pleasure meeting Matt Bell and I urge you to check out his work at

Friday, October 21, 2011

A Poem of Caroline-

There, in the yellow dress
Happy as can be...
Knows of no evil,
Knows of nothing sad.
A little girl
all dressed up.
A little girl wanting to grow up.
A snap, a glimpse in time
freezes the moment.
The moment when all a child knows
 is perfect,blissful, complete happiness.

-ramblings of Kelli Foret (The Art Trail Lady)

 Follow Your Art!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Festival Acadien et Creole leads to Dale Duhon

Three days after Festival Acadien et Creole in Lafayette, LA and I’m still dusting off from the weekend!! The dancers pounded the dirt with their boots and Corvus Press, myself and the other artists at Festival did our best to bring a visual, creative spin to the music festival.  The release of my new book, The Acadiana Art Trail was a big success and I look forward to the book signings this fall that will take place at many of the surrounding galleries.

To keep up with the signing calendar, check out the Art Trail Lady facebook page badge over to your right.

I hoped for more time to explore the Artists tents at Festival Acadien et Creole but I was only able to stop by one tent and that was one of Dale Duhon, Cajun Folk Artist. Since the festival is focused on Cajun Music, I figured Dale would fit right in line with this theme.

Dale’s work features scenes that are indigenous to the Cajun Culture including fishing, hunting and gatherings. Dale’s favorite medium is oil on cold pressboard providing him with a smooth surface that allows for the detail captured in these Cajun scenes.

I watched as “passer byers” (sometimes I like to create my own words) stopped to enjoy the culture that exudes from Dale’s pieces. Framed in raw cypress, the paintings take on a “rough around the edges” vibe that are perfect for masculine spaces.
Dale Duhon is definitely off the beaten path and has no website or email so the best way for contacting Dale is by phone: 337-984-7308. 

Thank you to all you "Trailers" who stopped by the booth this weekend!!! Happy Trailing!!


The Art Trail Lady

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Welcome to Artwalk! My favs of this months Lafayette Artwalk...

On Saturday evening I was all of feeling sorry for myself with the cancelation (printing issues) of the book signing for my new book, The Acadiana Art Trail when I decided to take myself on an "Artist Date." I strolled out solo in the "not so cool" autumn breeze to catch a glimpse of what was happening in the Lafayette (Louisiana) art scene....Very quickly my mood shifted as I enjoyed what these eclectic, Cajun people had to offer....

I found these artists having quite a ball sketching in America's Coffee House! America's always has great taste in local creators! You'll find America's Coffee House is one of my favorite places to "trail art" in The Acadiana Art Trail.

You might recognize this guy on the right....check out and my previous blog post on Kody for more info.

Visiting Arts and Fleas always gives me a taste of what's going on in the underground Bohemian world of Acadiana. From my friend Emily's preserves to the handmade jewelry, clothing, etc, these ladies and gents definitely have the cool factor happening!!

Check them out at

Another favorite of tonight's trail was the showing at Gallery R which featured brothers, Clay and Edgar Judice. Gallery R always has a great showing but missed by most people because its so tucked sure to stop in at Gallery R and  a refreshing surprise will always await you! 

The fountains of Parc SansSouci always stopped me....I never walk by without capturing a photo!

Recycled Cycles always brings in an energetic bunch and invites musical guests for shop goers to enjoy....I always stop in to get a fix of the coolest vintage bikes. Simply said, Recycled Cycles rocks!

Hope you enjoyed trailing Lafayette's October Artwalk with me today...check in later this week for my blog post with one of my new favorite photographers, Matt Bell. 
check him out at

Welcome to Artwalk! My favs of this months Lafayette Artwalk...

On Saturday evening I was all of feeling sorry for myself with the cancelation (printing issues) of the book signing for my new book, The Acadiana Art Trail when I decided to take myself on an "Artist Date." I strolled out solo in the "not so cool" autumn breeze to catch a glimpse of what was happening in the Lafayette (Louisiana) art scene....Very quickly my mood shifted as I enjoyed what these eclectic, Cajun people had to offer....

I found these artists having quite a ball sketching in America's Coffee House! America's always has great taste in local creators! You'll find America's Coffee House is one of my favorite places to "trail art" in The Acadiana Art Trail.

You might recognize this guy on the right....check out and my previous blog post on Kody for more info.

Visiting Arts and Fleas always gives me a taste of what's going on in the underground Bohemian world of Acadiana. From my friend Emily's preserves to the handmade jewelry, clothing, etc, these ladies and gents definitely have the cool factor happening!!

Check them out at

Another favorite of tonight's trail was the showing at Gallery R which featured brothers, Clay and Edgar Judice. Gallery R always has a great showing but missed by most people because its so tucked sure to stop in at Gallery R and  a refreshing surprise will always await you! 

The fountains of Parc SansSouci always stopped me....I never walk by without capturing a photo!

Recycled Cycles always brings in an energetic bunch and invites musical guests for shop goers to enjoy....I always stop in to get a fix of the coolest vintage bikes. Simply said, Recycled Cycles rocks!

Hope you enjoyed trailing Lafayette's October Artwalk with me today...check in later this week for my blog post with one of my new favorite photographers, Matt Bell. 
check him out at

Friday, October 7, 2011

Interview with George Marks

Happy Friday fellow Art Trailers! This week's interview is with Arnaudville native George Marks...I had a little bit of trouble with the sound but I hope you enjoy what George has to share!

If you're interested in purchasing George's art, check him out at
