Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Krotz Springs Quilters Guild

A blind date-meeting with an older woman by the name of Nellie in order to get info on the Krotz Springs Quilters Guild... around the loop and under the bridge and through the woods led me to this Krotz Springs Town Hall. Hmmm, what have I gotten myself into this time?

But on my arrival.....

overwhelmed by them filing in...

presenting to one another the work they've completed since they were last together...

door prizes, chatter, fabric swatches.....

I met the Krotz Springs Quilters Guild.

A mixture of middle aged to seasoned vets in the quilting field...

War Medals sit upon their shoulders....

as they gloat in their 100% cotton handmade items.

They prepare for their July Quilting Show in glory!

Pictures say a thousand words!

For more info, contact The American Quilting Association...Local contact: 337-566-3949

Follow Your Art!


The Art Trail Lady

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