Monday, January 16, 2012

January Artwalk-Lafayette!!

If you somehow decided not to watch your beloved Saints play Saturday night, what a loss :(, then maybe you caught Lafayette's Second Saturday Artwalk. For those who choose to cheer for the Saints, here is The Art Trail Lady's take on what went down!

The find of the night for me was definitely the showing at Arts Co-op! Fine art, fine food and what a fine atmosphere! Jared Guidry's abstract pieces on soft material delicately framed, invited me and as I perused, I couldn't stop! I was intrigued by the work of Giorgio Russo and his storytelling collages and continued the maze with Travis Prejean's figurative wings. Unfortunately, I don't have photos of these beautiful works of art here today because the artists were unavailable for permission, but this show is definitely worth the trip to Arts Co-op before the next Artwalk in February.

I was surprised to find at the end of the maze, a quaint patio garden of fine foods like humus, cheese and wine of course with mosaic furniture making a sitting area that gave me the space for writing. 
This wooden rocking chair even helped set the relaxed, romantic mood of the evening here at Arts Co-op.

 Just next door at Cajun Spice, folk art seemed to be the theme where mosaic instruments, wood carvings and sculpture and brightly colored paintings stood proudly. Artists names you may recognize here are Melissa Dronet, James Hebert and Pam Shensky. Cajun Spice is definitely a fun place if you're looking for a more relaxed style of visual arts.

As I made my way to Acadiana Center for the Arts, I came across these performers on the corner of Jefferson and Vermillion St. They seemed to be depicting either passion or death and dying. I'm not too sure which...what do you think?

I ended the night with a stop at ACA, and what a surprise for me! Several Clementine Hunter pieces among other greats from the private collection of Brunell Lemoine, superintendent of Lafayette Parish Schools and strong supporter of arts in our community. If you're a self-taught or folk art lover, this exhibit is definitely one you'll want to see at ACA!

Well, that's it for the Artwalk recap...hope you all have a great week!

Follow Your ARt!!


The Art Trail Lady


  1. Thanks for your posts Art Trail Lady. I had no idea that Lafayette had this much art to offer. I will certainly delve more into the art culture here thanks to you! Oh, the performers seem to to be depicting dying to me? Then again, maybe they're depicting a passion for dying and/or intrigued by death?

  2. Thanks for the great support and feedback Rango! I was thinking the same with the street performers....
