Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The View of Our Daily Ritual

As some followers may know by now, T-roy and I are living with his mom, Del, in rural Port Barre, LA while we finish the restoration of our 1969 Aluminum Gold Avion RV. 
We've been with Del almost a year now as our project looses the timeline now and again. We are lucky enough to have a front porch view where the Bayou Teche and the Bayou Courtableau meet. 

This is not our RV :) Just one on the Teche...

Every evening right about sunset, everyone on our block slowly and naturally comes out on their porches to catch the final view of the sun before it retires for the night. 
This evening ritual has become something I look forward to every day. And in the wind, sometimes the old houses sway.

While I sometimes take for granted the rise and fall of the sun (I realize this on rainy days like today), this front porch ritual has become one of those simple pleasures that I file away in my "happy" box in my brain. 

Have a beautiful evening...

Follow Your ARt!!

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