Monday, March 19, 2012

The 7 Mile Yard Sale Recap

This Saturday (St. Patty's Day), T-roy and I ventured out to Grand Coteau for the annual 7 mile Yard Sale. We had a blast! Loads of people, lots of conversation and fun goodies from attic's, closet's etc. Our booth included mostly art with a few vintage finds we were hoping to sell.  I also stumbled upon another venue to check out. Its called The Thrifty Flamingo. While most items are thrift items, owner Susan De Valcourt enjoys painting funky little signs for Art Lovers. I traded some of my work with Susan for one of her peices, "Be Significant". I'm not organized enough today show you a photo of the piece but will post it later this week. Check out photos of our booth below....

Troy's Nieces had there own Art and Craft table right in front of our group!!

My loyal posse!!

Heading over to the public library in Abbeville in a few minutes for a book signing at 6pm. Stop by if you're around. Will be doing a short presentation!!

Peace and Love,

The Art Trail Lady

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