Friday, March 16, 2012

The Avett Bros

Happy Friday Art Trailers...

I'm coming off of a huge high this morning after seeing The Avett Brothers in concert last night....they were AMAZING!! If you haven't heard of them, you should definitely check them out at My photo of them is very small but hopefully their silhouettes can give you a roundabout idea of them. :)

I loved the theater feel of the small venue they played (the River Center Theater) and the lack of production was wonderful. These boys were there to play and play hard.

What I love most about them is their simple authenticity in their songwriting...such beautiful poets and harmonizers! Their music has a very rootsy feel with a little bit of rock and just enough blue grass to get the teeny boppers screaming! Just magnificent!

As a friend of ours put it, the concert was all about LOVE. Love for one another, romantic love, and love for just about everything. T-roy and I felt nothing but pure LOVE leaving the show. It was a purely magical experience...Thank you Avett Brothers for what you do!! These guys are true examples of following their ART!

Peace and Love,

The Art Trail Lady

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