Monday, March 5, 2012

Everything is Art

The longer I live and the older I get the more I become amazed with the way people go about doing things....From the way they dress and fix their hair to the way they move and experience sounds, sights and the taste of life.

We are all artists.

We may not do our art for a living but we all create daily in small subtle ways.

A few things come to mind that seem like simple daily living yet watching someone else perform these simple tasks reminds me how beautiful and unique each  one of us are. We each contribute to the beautiful work of "creating" each day.

-The way we connect with people
-Quick witted humor
-The way my niece finds the perfect hippie band to wear on her forehead
-The mechanics who fix our truck
-Del's sewing
-My mom's painted dishwasher

And on and on....How do you paint your canvas each day? How do you contribute to that soul- pleasing word....CREATING?

Have a beautiful Monday Art Trailers!!!

Follow Your Art!


The Art Trail Lady

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