Friday, February 24, 2012

Tell me...How Does Your Garden Grow?

The art of gardening and people who do it continue to amaze me. There is such an air of peacefulness and feeling grounded around playing in the dirt. Just thinking of the bright hues of red, green and yellow get my taste buds flowing...kind of like painting!
Last weekend I decided it was that time. It was time to plant regardless of whether or not the last cold front had hit South Louisiana darn it! I was determined and it paid off. Today I had my first sprout pop!! Yes! Success! I didn't kill everything! :-)

Here are the herbs I'm propagating....and the tiny sprouts that sprouted this morning.

Container gardens are always easiest for me because they're mobile and don't involve some of the ground work I'm not equipped to handle. Here I used old wooden cases from local flea markets and some chicken wire to keep the cats out. The large wash tub is T-roy's MawMaw Cajin's and if I'm not mistaken he's taken a bath or two in that thing as a youngen. Recycled pots, decorated milk and cola jugs are also perfect for small plants.

This year, my planting list included tomatoes, squash, zucchini, peppers, asparagus, strawberries and herbs, and I can hardly wait for them to produce. The nourishment of fresh, homegrown fruit and veggies pleases me so!!

Yay to the art of gardening! The beautiful art of the earth!!

Please share photos of your gardens Art Trailers!! I'd love to see them!! What does your planting list include??

Follow Your Art,

Love the Art Trail Lady!

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